How can I tell you about the event in an interesting way?

How can I tell you about the event in an interesting way?

How can I tell you about the event in an interesting way?

Feature 11 months ago 6 min read

Let's be honest: It's you and me, event specialists, who are burning and getting high from their preparation. Voluntarily and with pleasure we live in constant time pressure.

I really want to share this buzz and my achievements. For example, write a post about how you negotiated a contract with a large company for 3 weeks, which wanted to buy 40 event tickets for employees. Or how they searched for a site and traveled around 12 different ones before they found the right one. But for a wide audience, the nuances associated with site search, negotiations with customers, and work with contractors may not be too interesting. 

And it is definitely worth writing in social networks about events and about the processes around their organization. Because this is warming up the audience that has subscribed to you on social networks and is ready to buy a ticket from you. Or buy tickets every year, because your place is always interesting, useful and very cool.

How do I make sure that what you write about the event on social networks is interesting to the audience?

1. Hire a professional copywriter

Yes, you can write yourself if you can do it, but most likely you will not be able to keep up or you will write texts on the run and with your left heel. Therefore, delegate. 

Take a copywriter, an editor, an SMM specialist who can, for example, tell you about the event in an interesting way and make a cool post based on the audio that you said. Or he can collect the information himself and pack it into text. And no, ChatGPT won't do. You need texts that people will be interested in reading. The neural network cannot do this yet. 

2. Write about all the interesting things that are happening around the preparation of the event

Did you find a cool playground? This is the reason for a post with a photo of a cool location. Have you approved a cool speaker? Too. 

Here are a few ideas offhand what to tell about the event:

  • we decided on the location
  • added a new activity
  • came up with a dress code
  • came up with an idea-image for the event
  • approved a new speaker: you can publish the topic of the speech, a short story about the speaker, his video card with an invitation to the performance
  • where to have lunch around the event location
  • where to stay (for nonresident participants)
  • what to do in the evening, what to see in the city: a list of bars, interesting places, theaters, etc.

3. Make a variety of content in preparation for the event

Add infographics to the texts, for example, about which city the most participants will come from. Or a video where speakers share tips from practice. 

How to tell about the event is interesting, how to write about the event: examples of posts | Content in preparation for the event

Or cards where speakers answer interesting or frivolous questions: "Which animal do you associate yourself with at this conference and why?". Answers in the style of "shy lamb — because I'm afraid to come up and start a conversation, although I really need to" will surely appeal to your audience. 

4. Hire a memologist

This is the person who will come up with memes around your event. 

How to tell about the event is interesting, how to write about the event: examples of posts | Content in preparation for the event

But keep in mind that not everyone is ready to accept exactly such content. Someone will consider this a frank "ugh, unsubscribe" and will definitely inform you about it. It is ok. It is important that a large part of the audience does not mind making a joke.

How to tell about the event is interesting, how to write about the event: examples of posts | Content in preparation for the event 

5. Add guest stories

The event is made by people. Tell us about the geography of your guests: from which cities and countries they come to you, how they get to know each other, how they take a vacation for the sake of the event, how they still only dream of getting to it. You can tell how someone fails, someone is ready to overcome difficulties in order to come from a distant city. Someone makes friends even before they leave, meets in different cities, unites in interest clubs.

How to tell about the event is interesting, how to write about the event: examples of posts | Content in preparation for the event

All these stories can be learned from the general chat of the event, from the support service, the sales department — everyone who communicates with those who ask questions and buy tickets. 

Add stories that friends want to get to your event and pay the full price, because there are no benefits for them, there is already a rush around and "everyone wants".

6. Add free for those who are not ready to pay you yet

There are always those who have just found out about you, are not ready to buy tickets now, have not yet decided whether to go or not. Make content for this part of the audience in order to "warm up" people and so that they have a reason to stay subscribed to you.

How to tell about the event is interesting, how to write about the event: examples of posts | Content in preparation for the event

These can be free recordings of several reports, guides, checklists, useful posts, information from which can be applied in the work.

If you have such interesting posts on social networks, it means that it will be no less interesting at a live conference.

7. Tell us about the problems that subscribers can solve thanks to the conference

When you talk about the event, do not forget about the engaging content — sort out the questions of your audience, do not hide your expertise. Let subscribers see that there are people behind the conference, specialists who love their work.

Show in specific life situations what questions they come to the conference with. You can take one difficulty that a person has and show that at the event he will be able to get a more detailed and specific analysis of the issue.

How to tell about the event is interesting, how to write about the event: examples of posts | Content in preparation for the event 

And most importantly, remember that without a big idea that underlies your project, interesting content will not work, no matter how hard you try. Otherwise, what will you unite people around? It is important to understand for yourself — so that what?